Our Facilities
9 Research Labs
Human Movement Analysis Lab (m2) = 87, 30 m2
Aging and mental health Lab (m2) = 14, 33 m2
Recovery Lab (m2) = 14, 33 m2
Social Innovation Lab (m2) = 14, 33 m2
Stress and Emotion Lab (m2) = 14, 33 m2
Virtual Lab (m2) = 58, 92 m2
Exercise and Performance Assessment Lab (m2) = 42, 93 m2
Neurocognition Lab (m2) = 28, 66 m2
Devices Development Lab (m2)= 15 m2
2 Co-Working Spaces6>
1 Conference Room6>
1 Conference Room6>

(87, 30 m2)

(87, 30 m2)

(14, 33 m2 )

(14, 33 m2 )

(14, 33 m2 )

(14, 33 m2 )

(58, 92 m2)

(58, 92 m2)

(42, 93 m2)

(28, 66 m2)

(15 m2)
Co-Working Spaces

Conference Room