Human Movement Analysis Lab

EMG Signal Detector
The Trigno™ Wireless System is a high-performing device designed to make EMG signal detection reliable and easy. The system is capable of streaming data digitally into EMGworks® or 3rd party software.
Look here for more info.

Motion Capture Cameras
The Qualisys’ Motion Capture Cameras have the ability to calculate marker positions with impressive accuracy and speed and measure hundreds of markers, at thousands of frames per second in an ordinary laptop.
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Force Plate
Bertec force plates are designed for gait, balance, and performance analyses. They lead the industry in center of pressure and force measurement accuracy with negligible crosstalk, drift, and signal interference. Analog signals sampled internally at 1000Hz are immediately processed by our custom electronics into digital data impervious to degradation.
Look here for more info.

Twin-Axis Goniometer, 150 mm
The Biopac® – TSD130B Twin-Axis Goniometer is used to measure limb angular movement (wrist flexion/extension and radial/ulnar deviations).
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Single-Axis Electrogoniometer
The Biometrics’ Single-Axis Electrogoniometer (F35) measures angles in one plane only. This smallest goniometer is designed to measure flexion/extension of finger or toe joints.
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Heel/Toe Strike Transducer
The Heel/Toe Strike Transducer records heel and toe strike activity through the registration of the pressure placed on the gell and the toe during the walk.
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Virtual Lab

Multi-touch Screen
VAIO L Series Multi-touch Screen is equipped with a 24-inch (diagonal) WUXGA (1920×1080) widescreen paneil with high-definition content in Full HD resolution.
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Head-Mounted Display
The NVIS nVisor SX111 Head-Mounted Display offers users a truly immersive display with a total viewing real estate covering 102° horizontal by 64° vertical, with 111 degrees across the diagonal.
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Virtual Reality Sytem + Headset + Touch Controllers + Sensors
The Occulus Rift gives a filed of view of 110 degrees that does not suffer from disturbing blind spots. The headband it’s adjustable as is the distance between the eyes and the screen. The Touch Controllers provide intuitive hand presence in VR—the feeling that your virtual hands are actually your own. The sensors track constellations of IR LEDs to translate your movement into VR.
Look here for more info.

Virtual Reality System
The VIVE™ VR System delivers the most immersive virtual reality experiences.
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Mobile EEG Headset
The award-winning EMOTIV EPOC+ 14 channel mobile EEG is designed for scalable and contextual human brain research and advanced brain-computer interface applications and provides access to professional grade brain data with a quick and easy to use design.
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Virtual Reality Glasses
The Mi VR PLAY2 aloud the ser play amazing games and watch the best movies in their own 3D IMAX cinema.
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Virtual Reality Headset
The Samsung Gear VR allows the user to explore virtual worlds and travel the globe with a phone in the headset.
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Virtual Reality Headset
The Zeiss VR ONE Plus’ offers a sharp picture over the entire field of view of 100° with no manual adjustments necessary and it even works for wearers of spectacles.
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Depth Detection Sensor
The TrackStrap™ Depth Detection Sensor allows experience true full-body tracking in VR.
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Gesture Motion Control
The Leap Motion Controller allows the users to start using their hands in VR in a quickly and easily way.
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Wireless Bood Pressure Monitoring
The Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor gives you instant color-coded feedback based on the ESH (European Society of Hypertension) and the AHA (American Heart Association) recommendations for hypertension.
Look here for more info.
Exercise and Performance Assessment Lab

New h/p/cosmos® system for athletic training, diagnostics and rehabilitation. treadmill pulsar® 3p with overspeed up to 45.0 km/h, speed handrail, extra wide footboards on both sides, robowalk®/
roborun® front and back, integrated Microgate Optogait light barrier carpet for step length determination and measurement of biomechanical parameters, pneumatic un-weighting (BWS body weight
support) system airwalk® ap with integrated fall stop. The subject is secured against falling and the running belt is stopped automatically in case of a fall.
Look here for more info.

Cycle Ergometer
The Mornark – 939E Cycle Ergometer is equipped with the Novo control system which guaranties a very fast and accurate adjustment of the resistance. The ergometer can be used as stand-alone unit or be controlled by an external system like a metabolic cart, ECG-system or a computer.
Look here for more info.

Cycle Ergometer
The Monark 894E Cycle Ergometer is the world’s most widely used test bike for fitness tests and worktests. It is easy to calibrate and just as easy to check when in use. You know that all the values are always accurate.
Look here for more info.

The Biodex System 4 Pro™ offers a level of performance, accuracy, and safety that remains unmatched and has a positioning system with motorized seat height, front-to-back chair adjustment fully assisted dynamometer height adjustment and side-to-side adjustment.
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Portable Metabolic System
The K4b2 Portable Metabolic System allows the measurement of oxygen consumption outside to obtain information on the metabolic costs of specific daily life activities.
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Stabilometry Lab

Static and Dynamic Balance Platform
The Biodex Balance System™ SD has been designed to meet the needs of everyone looking to improve balance, increase agility, develop muscle tone and treat a wide variety of pathologies.
Look here for more info.

Pressure Platform
The PhysioSensing Pressure Platform is a pressure plate with visual feedback for support physical rehabilitation activities.
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Pedography platform
The Emed® – AT/2 Pedography Platform it’s an accurate electronic system for recording and evaluating pressure distribution under the foot in static and dynamic conditions.
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One-Foot Podografh
The Podografh® aloud to take an outline at the foot and an imprint of the sole.
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Portable Wireless Force Platform
The Biosignals Plux® Portable Wireless Force Platform has streaming and local storage capabilities ideal for biomechanics in & out of the lab.
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Biological Multi-signal Analysis Lab

Electrobioimpedance Amplifier
The Biopac® – EBI100C Electrobioimpedance Amplifier records the parameters associated with impedance cardiography, cardiac output measurements, thoracic impedance changes as a function of respiration or any kind of biological impedance monitoring.
Look here for more info.

Electrocardiogram Amplifier
The Biopac® – ECG100C Electrocardiogram Amplifier records electrical activity generated by the heart and will reliably record ECG from humans, animals and isolated organ preparations.
Look here for more info.

Electroencephalogram Amplifier
The Biopac® – EEG100C Electroencephalogram Amplifier amplifies bioelectric potentials associated with neuronal activity of the brain and can be used to perform unipolar or bipolar EEG measurements.
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Electrooculogram Amplifier
The Biopac® – EOG100C Electrooculogram Amplifier amplifies corneal-retinal potential. The amplifier monitors the DC potential on the skin surrounding the eyes, which is proportional to the degree of eye movement in any direction.
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Electromyogram Amplifier
The Biopac® – EMG100C Electromyogram Amplifier amplifies general and skeletal muscle electrical activity.
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Respiration Amplifier
The Biopac® – RSP100C Respiration Amplifier is designed for direct physical measurement of respiratory effort. Each RSP100C amplifier requires one TSD201 respiration transducer.
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Tri-Axial Accelerometer
The Biopac® – TSD109C Tri-Axial Accelerometer is a high level output transducer witn an amplifier built into the transducer. It connects directly to the HLT100C High Level Transducer module to provide three outputs, wich measure acceleration in the X, Y and Z direction simultaneosly.
Look here for more info.

Medium Flow Transducer 300 L/min
The Biopac® – TSD117A Medium Flow Transducer can be used to perform a variety of tests relating to air flow, lung volume and expired gas analysis. New tiered flow head allows for direct connection to multiple standard pulmonary ID/OD hoses and components without the need for couplers.
Look here for more info.

Blood Pressure Cuff Precision Transducer
The Biopac® – TSD120 Blood Pressure Cuff Precision Transducer can measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure by the oscillometric or auscultatory (Korotkoff sounds) technique. It includes an adjustable cuff, pump bulb, pressure gauge and pressure transducer and converts biological signals for analysis with MP system or AcqKnowledge®.
Look here for more info.

Hand Dynamometer
The Biopac® – TSD121C isometric dynamometer measures gripping (compression) or pulling (tension) forces associated with a wide variety of muscle groups; measure grip, arm curling, leg lifting, digit activation forces.
Look here for more info.

Stethoscope, BSL
The Biopac® – SS30L Stethoscope was developed to teach students the standard procedure for listening to heart sounds and Korotkoff sounds with a normal stethoscope and at the same time record sound data.
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Modular Biomedical Sensor Toolkits
The BioSignals Plux® KIT has a wireless real-time biosignal acquisition units completed with multi-modal sensors and software that allow the recording, visualization and data analysis.
Electromyography Sensors |
Electroencephalography Sensors |
Electrocardiogram Sensors |
Electrodermal Activity Sensors |
SpO2 Sensors |
Respiration Sensors |
Accelerometer Sensors |
Goniometer Sensors |
Force Sensors |
AIR Sensors |
Look here for more info.

Photovoltaic Radiofrequency Cells
The TC Timing Systems is designed for various athletic timing applications activities thar require a sophisticated and easy to use wireless timing system.
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