

Tradução, adaptação e avaliação psicométrica do questionário Activity Record (ACTRE)

Quaresma, C., Silva, C., Secca, M., O’Neill, J., Branco, J., & Marques, A. (2017).

Ata Reumatológica Portuguesa. Volume 42, Pages 168 -175.

Subjective and objective parameters in pediatric respiratory conditions: cultural adaptation to Portuguese population

Alexandrino, A., Santos, R., Argel Melo, C., Bastos, J. A., & Postiaux, G. (2017).

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Designing and evaluating a health education session on respiratory infections addressed to caregivers of children under three years of age attending day-care centres in Porto, Portugal: A community-based intervention.

Alexandrino, A. M., Santos, R. I., Melo, M. C., & Bastos, J. A. (2017).

The European Journal of General Practice. Volume 23, Pages 43-50.

Caregivers' education vs rhinopharyngeal clearance in children with upper respiratory infections: impact on children's health outcomes.

Alexandrino, A. S., Santos, R., Melo, C., Bastos, J. M., & Postiaux, G. (2017).

European Journal of Pediatrics. Volume 23, Pages 1375-1383.

Exercise Induced Neuroplasticity to Enhance Therapeutic Outcomes of Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia: Analyzing the Role of Brain derived Neurotrophic Factor.

Campos, C., Rocha, N. B. F., Lattari, E., Nardi, A. E., & Machado, S. (2017).

CNS & Neurological Disorders Drug Targets. Volume 16, Pages 638-651.

Multidimensional Frailty and Pain in Community Dwelling Elderly.

Coelho, T., Paul, C., Gobbens, R. J. J., & Fernandes, L. (2017).

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An fMRI paradigm based on Williams inhibition test to study the neural substrates of attention and inhibitory control.

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The 1-min Screening Test for Reading Problems in College Students: Psychometric Properties of the 1-min TIL.

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2D:4D digit ratio is associated with cognitive decline but not frailty in community-dwelling older adults.

Goncalves, C., Coelho, T., Machado, S., & Rocha, N. B. (2017).

American Journal of Human Biology. Volume 29, Pages 66-87.

Can transcranial direct current stimulation on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex improves balance and functional mobility in Parkinson's disease?

Lattari, E., Costa, S. S., Campos, C., de Oliveira, A. J., Machado, S., & Maranhao Neto, G. A.

Neuroscience Letters. Volume 636, Pages 165-169.

Social representation of "music" in young adults: a cross-cultural study.

Manchaiah, V., Zhao, F., Widen, S., Auzenne, J., Beukes, E. W., Ahmadi, T., Tome, D., Mahadeva, D., Krishna, R., & Germundsson, P. (2017).

International Journal of Audiology. Volume 56, Pages 125-133.

Abdominal muscle activity during breathing in different postural sets in healthy subjects.

Montes, A. M., Gouveia, S., Crasto, C., de Melo, C. A., Carvalho, P., Santos, R., & Vilas-Boas, J. P. (2017).

Jorunal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy. Volume 21, Pages 354-36.

The effect of inspiratory and expiratory loads on abdominal muscle activity during breathing in subjects "at risk" for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and healthy.

Mesquita Montes, A., Crasto, C., de Melo, C. A., Santos, R., Pereira, S., & Vilas-Boas, J. P. (2017).

Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology . Volume 34, Pages 50-57.

The Role of Physical Activity on Mood State and Functional Skills of Elderly Women.

Monteiro-Junior, R. S., Rodrigues, V. D., Campos, C., Paes, F., Murillo-Rodriguez, E., Maranhão-Neto,G. A., & Machado, S. (2017).

Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health. Volume 13, Pages 50-57.

Acute effects of physical exercise with microcurrent in the adipose tissue of the abdominal region: A randomized controlled trial.

Noites, A., Moreira, A., Melo, C., Faria, M., Vilarinho, R., Freitas, C., Monteiro, P. R. R., Carvalho, P., Adubeiro, N., Amorim, M., Nogueira, L., & Santos, R. (2017).

European Journal of Integrative Medicine. Volume 9, Pages 79-85.

Portuguese version of the Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI) among assembly workers: Cultural adaptation, reliability and validity.

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Bilateral DMPFC-rTMS Leads to Sustained Remission in Geriatric Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Case Report.

Sender, D., Nazar, B. P., Baczynski, T., Paes, F., Fettes, P., Downar, J., Campos, C., Nardi, A. E., & Machado, S. (2017)

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The role of the ipsilesional side in the rehabilitation of post-stroke subjects.

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Influence of Cleats-Surface Interaction on the Performance and Risk of Injury in Soccer: A Systematic Review.

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The influence of different soccer cleat type on kinetic, kinematic and neuromuscular ankle variables in artificial turf.

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Wii-based exercise program to improve physical fitness, motor proficiency and functional mobility in adults with Down syndrome.

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Bilateral Proprioceptive Evaluation in Individuals With Unilateral Chronic Ankle Instability.

Sousa, A. S. P., Leite, J., Costa, B., & Santos, R. (2017).

Journal of Athletic Training. Volume 52, Pages 360-367.

Screening reading abilities: A comparison between engineering, education, health and psychology in Portuguese college students.

Sucena, A., Carneiro, J., Almeida, F., & Viana, F. (2017).

International journal of Engineering Education. Volume 33, Pages 151-161.

Impact of Patellar Tendinopathy on Knee Proprioception: A Cross-Sectional Study.

Torres, R., Ferreira, J., Silva, D., Rodrigues, E., Bessa, I. M., & Ribeiro, F. (2017)

Clinical Journal of Sport mMedicine . Volume 27, Pages 31-36.

Systematic overview of neuroanatomical differences in ADHD: Definitive evidence.

Vieira de Melo, B. B., Trigueiro, M. J., & Rodrigues, P. P. (2017).

Developmental Neuropsychology. Volume 43, Pages 52-68.

Kinect system in home-based cardiovascular rehabilitation.

Vieira, A., Gabriel, J., Melo, C., & Machado, J. (2017).

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H. Volume 231, Pages 40-47.

The effect of virtual reality on a home-based cardiac rehabilitation program on body composition, lipid profile and eating patterns: A randomized controlled trial.

Vieira, A. S. D., de Melo, M. C. D. A., Pinho, A. R. S. N. S., Machado, J. P., & Mendes, J. G. M. (2017).

European Journal of Integrative Medicine. Volume 9, Pages 69-78

Abdominal muscle activity during breathing in different postures in COPD "Stage 0" and healthy subjects.

Mesquita Montes, A., Maia, J., Crasto, C., de Melo, C. A., Carvalho, P., Santos, R., Pereira, S., & Vilas-Boas, J. P. (2017).

Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. Volume 238, Pages 14-22.

Can transcranial direct current stimulation improve muscle power in individuals with advanced resistance training experience?

Lattari, E. Campos, C. Lamego, M. K. Passos de Souza, S. L. Neto, G. M. Rocha, N. B. Jose de Oliveira, A. Carpenter, S. & Machado, S. (2017).

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Volume 30, Pages 3381-3387.